(USA) I want to provide these funds for a very young relative, to be accessed only by that relative after turning 18 or 21, whatever makes sense. Wanted to invest in a 529 for educational expenses but the guardian wants to set up the account themselves and I would deposit the money into it, giving them control.
I want these funds to be controlled by myself or another close family member and the guardian doesn't want to provide the needed information (birth certificate, SSN) for the 529. Any ideas for another way to provide and protect the money other than putting it in a savings account?
For the record, I'm not 100% sure that the funds would be used in any inappropriate way but I don't want to leave that door open and risk damage to any relationships. Trying to eliminate any possibility of drama. Thanks in advance!
Submitted August 03, 2018 at 10:51AM by aurelie23 https://ift.tt/2veSAiS