So as the title says.. I have recently received 3 job offers in a relatively short span of time. I'm not sure where else to post this thread so I'm going with PF (its more of a life advice not so much financial). I am turning 25 soon and have my bachelors in chemical engineering and currently have about 75k in loans at decent interest rates. I will try to be as descriptive as possible without giving out too much info about the companies and what not. So basically I have 3 offers on the table:
1) Government job making explosives for grenades and Rocket propelled devices. Offer is a little under 70K a year with guaranteed raises at 1 and 2.5 years. Good pensions and retirement. Flexible hours. Will help pay for masters. Interesting work. Only issues I have is ill have to move and its not exactly my desired field.
2) Alternative energy company that uses waste to make energy. 61k/year + overtime potential. Will pay up to 5k/year towards masters. Sustainability is a field I would love to get into but this is a basic operators position where I would work rotating 12 hour shifts doing hard physical labor in a hazardous environment. Role was pitched to me as an incumbent role where I would learn the inns and outs of the plant through hands on experience where I would be quickly moved to engineering or management. Also, can live at home, rent free, with parents if I choose.
3) Pharmaceutical Serialization company. 72K after bonus. Basically I would travel around the US and potentially foreign soils to help install the equipment and software that serializes pharmaceuticals. Pros are I would get paid to travel (Job sites can be anywhere, typical job last 2 weeks to a few months) and hours are flexible with options to work from home. I can live at home if I choose (rent free). My only concern is the opportunity cost of not taking something more chem. eng. related to help further my career. This job is definitely an engineers role but more mechE or electrical engineering/project management.
I feel like I'm trying to compare an apple to an orange to a pear... Basically do I take a job in my dream field at the ground level working my ass off in less than ideal conditions for 12 hours a day, do i take the job that lets me travel and meet cool people and see cool places or do i take a very stable job in a related field with great benefits? I appreciate any advice.
Submitted August 03, 2018 at 09:19AM by Saarzard