A friend needed to send a check to a business. For unknown reasons, she elected tosend a cashier's check. She took it to the post office but it was closed so she just wrapped the check into a piece of notebook paper and put it in an ordinary envelope with a regular post stamp. It's been 10 days and the check has supposedly not been received by the business. It was for $12,000.
I've read several articles on how to cancel a cashier's check and maybe its cognitive dissonance or shock or articles have too much legalese, but I can't wrap my mind around what exactly she should do. Should she purchase a surety bond? Or is it too late for that? What if the check is stolen and cashed? Can you please explain it in simple terms?
Is there anything the postal service can do to track the mail? No tracking was on the letter. Just a plain stamp.
Yeah, I do realize the stupidity involved here is fairly epic.
Submitted July 04, 2018 at 12:44PM by brereddit https://ift.tt/2Ky6hTJ