My husband and I recently both switched from ATT to Mint Mobile. I've been seeing advertisements for them everywhere I turn, and I decided to bite the bullet and try it out. My husband was the most skeptical, worried about not having good cellular service, but I was more concerned with the fact that since we own our phones, we could be paying $30 or $40 a month for the same data we're getting with ATT rather than the $105 we were spending.
Turns out, it's great service, and super easy to get started once you've unlocked your phone. I would highly recommend Mint Mobile to anyone who is covered by their service. We got a great deal, $20 for the first 3 months with 8GB data each month, so with two people on that plan, we're saving $275 over the next three months, and then $65 per month after that.
You can go to their website to see if your area is covered by their service. I'm not in any way affiliated with them, I'm just so freaking excited to have saved so much money and have gotten a great product in return!
March 11, 2019 at 10:11AM