This is actually for my wife but nevertheless, My wife teaches piano and a friend of hers opened up a new studio and asker her to come teach there. We initially set certain terms of the arrangement that consisted of this:
Katie(my wife) tells her when she wants to work and she fills the time slots She was supposed to make $22.50 an hour
She was supposed to be able to tell her when she needed time off and the employer was supposed to reschedule the lessons.
Since my wife has started working there she now only makes $15 an hour. She had to contact each of the families and try to schedule them on her own. The owner of the business has asked her to work certain days that she wanted off. And she is required to go to certain work meetings and fill out weekly questionnaires about each of the students.
What im worried about is the fact that we are going to be filing taxes soon and we will owe the back taxes because she is an independent contractor. I believe that she should be an employee. Is there anyone that might have some advice on this subject? It is tough because the employer is a close friend and they have NO business savvy what so ever. I am an accountant by trade and know there has to be some issues here.
Submitted January 18, 2017 at 11:09AM by Cjh156