I need help. I am pretty frugal. I don't have a car, eat vegetarian, and buy most things second hand. I used to have some money to spend on nice second hand clothes or eating out or things for the house. Recently I've been dealing with some challenging medical expenses that have made me wish I had a lot more money--not for necessities but just to make life easier, for instance by eating healthy meals out, etc. I'm struggling because I have very little energy and a very demanding job.
I'm trying to remind myself that I have a lot of practical, wonderful things already, especially a lot of sturdy practical furniture that I've picked up secondhand or otherwise scrounged, and flattering secondhand clothes, and generally I don't need anything else. But I'm realizing how often I used to buy myself something small--even really small--anytime I needed a pick me up. When I was younger I often didn't have much money, and so it made me feel good to be able to treat myself to something, even like an extra nice bottle of handsoap. But I want to stop needing those pick me ups so much. I'm perfectly capable of just using self discipline, which is what I'm doing. I just wish I was better at giving myself that pick me up feeling in other ways, especially on days when I don't have a lot of energy to do much. I especially like looking at bright beautiful colors, but sometimes I don't have the spoons to go hiking or walking into nature.
Anyway--I guess I'm just in search of an attitude adjustment! Any suggestions welcome.
July 27, 2022 at 12:08AM