For context: I live in Southern California and COL here is intense. 30F. Tell me what you'd do to analyze this and see if it's worth it.
TLDR: 16% raise to leave my current job, but would be a more difficult, demanding start up-like gig that is about 70 miles south of me in San Diego that long term would probably be an easier gig.
Current gig: $53.50/hr, with $80/hr OT pay. $111k equivalent but my total earnings last year were $123k with $5k one time bonus thrown in there, crazy year! To note: gig is SUPER stable, I'm at a well funded hospital.
I'm covid WFH, have a good boss and co-workers, and comfortable with 10 years experience in my niche little field so while my job is hard, I'm not super challenged, just burned out from working a high bandwidth job alone for 2.5 years.
I interviewed and received a job offer $130k flat for a significantly more technical and complicated job that is essentially a start-up. Without getting into all the details, they're asking for the moon and personally, I'm barely qualified for all the wishlist items. Think highly technical + highly clinical. I'd have to uproot my life and deal with challenges in my relationship and relocating.
All that being said I quoted them a salary range of 140-150k when asked so getting an offer of 130k is somewhat insulting.
Thoughts, r/personalfinance? Current goals: save another 50k for a down payment on a house.
Submitted January 22, 2021 at 04:35PM by to3920-002dhll2