Dear PF,
I feel embarrassed to write this so I’m on a throwaway. Basically we were in a lot of debt and were not saving money or living frugally. One day, my wife found the PF sub and decided to become in charge of the finances. She got addicted to PF, we are completely debt free now, and we save half of our income.
She uses YNAB, mint, and personal capitol. She created funds for everything - new car fund, vacation fund, pet fund, car maintaince fund, Doctor copay fund, everything. Then she got interested in credit cards (she doesn’t like churning) and so we use different credit cards for different things to maximize our cash back. I have to use the discover card for the rotating categories, Uber card for restaurants, gas card for gas, then we have a credit union credit card that is 2% on everything else. So we get like 80-150$ cash back each month.
She is maxing out our 401ks, Roth IRAs. She puts money into our child’s 529.
So for the past two years, she has been managing every transaction and finding ways to optimize our savings. We are very blessed to be in this position, but I guess for the past few months, she started getting bored. Everything is on auto pay. We are going on a big trip this summer that she budgeted for.
She is very passionate about her job and loves it and she is a wonderful mom. She mentors youth in our community. She reads a lot and does a lot of crafting. Those are her hobbies. But I can tell she kind of misses doing the hustle bustle of everything. She’s the type of person who loves doing a million things and doing nothing stresses her out (I’m the total opposite). I think she misses the mental stimulation of all the PF stuff.
I noticed she took everything off Autopay and started doing it manually but “it wasn’t the same.” I feel silly writing this post but i wasnt sure who else to ask and I figured this community could understand her. Has anyone else been in this situation? What did you do?
Submitted June 16, 2018 at 08:05PM by Throwawaypfwife