Just at a glance several airline and cruise stocks are still basically half of what they were pre covid crash. Few random examples CCL/CUK (Both Carnival), AAL (american airlines), NCL (norway cruise line), UAL (United).
Now I know when the pandemic hit sure investing in these companies was a risky proposition. Who knew how long it would be before these industries would be viable again? These stocks dropped like 80%, reasonably so. At the time vaccines seemed potentially 5 years away. How would these companies all survive?
However that is a far cry from the situation we are in today. We have the vaccine. Production is going strong and the rollout is happening. A year (or hopefully less) from now everyone will be vaccinated.
Why would people not go back to using airlines at the same levels they were using them prior to the pandemic again? There is really no more unknown factors here. Things will return to normal for these industry in the somewhat near future. Is there some new alternative form of long range travel then no one told me about? These still being half off pre pandemic prices just makes no sense to me.
These seem like no brainer winners to me. Hit me with your bear takes.
Submitted January 20, 2021 at 01:51PM by RCnoob69 https://ift.tt/3qGCDfQ