Fourth quarter total gold production of 270,469 ounces (including 14,150 ounces of attributable production from Calibre Mining Corp. ("Calibre")) and consolidated gold production of 256,319 ounces from the Company's three operating mines
Fourth quarter consolidated gold revenues of $480 million, a significant increase of $166 million (53%) over the fourth quarter of 2019 (excluding revenues from discontinued operations)
Record annual total gold production of 1,040,737 ounces (including 45,479 ounces of attributable production from Calibre)
Record annual consolidated gold production from the Company's three operating mines of 995,258 ounces, at the upper end of the guidance range (of between 955,000 – 1,005,000 ounces), and significantly higher by 17% (144,142 ounces) over 2019 (excluding discontinued operations), marking the twelfth consecutive year of record annual consolidated gold production
Record annual consolidated gold revenues of $1.79 billion, a significant increase of $0.63 billion (55%) over 2019 (excluding revenues from discontinued operations)
Submitted January 20, 2021 at 06:12PM by Jgam81