When the pandemic started back in March, her job at Macy's shut down until further notice. On 6/1/2020, her manager called her about coming back to work, but she declined the offer because her family is immunocompromised. Furthermore, even if she were to come back then her hours would have been drastically reduced . The manager said that they will respect the decision and they would be doing another round of call backs (they still have not done that yet as of 6/24/2020) and if she said no then she would have to resign. She was recently told that all the employees who said no to coming back would be receiving a letter in the mail saying that they would have to pay back all the money earned from unemployment so far. She was never told this by the manager and she's confused on why they would give them a second chance in the first place. We live and work in PA.
How should she go about this situation?
Thanks in advance
Submitted June 24, 2020 at 08:31PM by huntou https://ift.tt/2Zd2D6q