I don't want this to get too long for yall so I'm going to be choppy. Moving from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Las Cruces, New Mexico Driving a truck and trailer down between October 26th and November 2nd (not set on date) Can't find anyone to drive my car down Car is 2 door hatchback Toyota Yaris. 2200 lbs curb weight. Manual transmission. 34 mpg avg Option A: fly from Cruces to Milwaukee (230$). Drive Yaris there ($150). I've done the trip numerous times. $380 total but lose 2 days driving when could be unpacking and settling in Option B: have a transport company take it. Lowest cost found 875$. Too much money in my eyes Option C: try to find a flatbed driver dead heading around that time looking to recoup fuel cost. Trying but don't know the right places to look Option D: pay someone to drive it. Can't find anyone willing or in a situation where they are unemployed or have the time What options am I missing or does anyone know where I can look to cheaply fulfill one of those options like a truck driving broker site. All input is appreciated. Thank you
October 10, 2019 at 07:36PM