I'm finishing up a year of service tutoring in an inner city school in New Jersey and have been offered a full time position and admission to grad school to get a teaching credential and master's in Education. It is a major step professionally and will triple my take home income. I love my job and my students and was really happy when I got the offer.
The problem is that I'm from California, 3000 miles from here. All my family and friends are there and I feel every mile of it. I've made coworker friends but no one who shares my hobbies and I have to travel almost an hour to find groups that do those hobbies.
The money will definitely make next year more livable and grad school will keep me busy and motivated. My boss wants an answer from me by Friday and I think I'm going to say yes. I've been looking for something similar back home and I'm not finding it.
Submitted May 15, 2019 at 05:48AM by applegater http://bit.ly/2JHsQUn