So bought a house 3 years ago. It's from 1952 and had carpet throughout the house. I have finally save and bought laminate flooring that are click together and floating. Was told it was easy to install. Yep I watched YouTube and diy videos and said what the hay I'll give it a try.Started removing the carpet 3 days ago only to find dried green cracking lanolium under the carpet... ok... cracked a few pieces off and boom more even older lanolium that is gray under that.I check YouTube for ideas on how to get this off but I wanted to know if anyone has a good way to get this really old lanolium out. It's so brittle it breaks with just a bit of pressure.I feel I might be in over my head >_<". via /r/DIY https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/b3kmp3/old_lanolium_over_older_lanolium/?utm_source=ifttt