I am currently in the final round of interviews for a job in the Palo Alto/Cupertino area. Potentially $100-120k offer were it to be extended/negotiated. My wife is a teacher here in the Midwest region and throughout this process have been trying to do our due diligence to determine how feasible this move would be for us.
Based on information at https://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/out-of-state-sped we believe she would be able to get her Level I credential and find a teaching job paying $50k but would that combined gross income of $150kish be enough to live comfortably in that area? For reference we currently make $115k combined in the Midwest and live very comfortably with plenty left over going to our remaining balance of $15k in student loans. Thanks for any insights you can provide!
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 09:39AM by OnwardKnight https://ift.tt/2HOg8Di