Hey y'all, I just need a little nudge to get my brain in the right frame.
I received a very nice annual bonus. YAY! Part of that was going to be a "fully" funded $2K emergency fund (we're still in "turn the titanic" mode on funding it). The money was to hit the bank this morning... and it did. YAY!
The bad news. Last night, the dryer died. Based on a couple hours of diagnostics, I determined that it had finally gone past the point where continued repairs made sense, and the washer being the same age and showing signs of being near EOL, it ought to be replaced as well.
That's all fine. What I need help with is getting my brain to stop listening to the "Dangit! We JUST got our E-fund to a nice value and we have to go spend half of it on new appliances!" and start listening to the "DUDE! This is EXACTLY why we set that money aside! We can just go fix the problem and not worry about where the money's coming from, we won't have to go into debt, and we STILL have a bunch of money in the emergency fund!"
It's all just an attitude shift. But for some reason it's hard to go from that negative angle to the positive. Could use some encouragement there.
(FTR: we've had this W/D set so long I can't remember when we bought it, and I've been keeping them running with various repairs for years now. We've gotten our $$ worth out of these, and it really is (IMHO) time for a new set. I'm just in a funk because of having my $2K E-Fund goal yanked away literally hours before the money hit the bank.)
Submitted March 14, 2019 at 09:14AM by HuntersMarkTheDM https://ift.tt/2TTLMF7