Hey all,Youtube DIY homeowner due to still being in school/self employed. I do contract out when my time is worth more (aka the radiant barrier, insulation, baffles, soffits, vents to help my newer DIY roof breath better than the single ridge vent and 5" of insulation in it now).I have 3 projects i'd like to save on. Insulating my basement, redoing my driverway and retiling/redoing my bathrooms.The basement was framed when I moved in, since then I have ran electrical but the problem of how to correctly insulate it remains. In a perfect world I would have glued foam to the wall and insulated off that but unless i take down every wall and reblock/redo everything that doesn't seem too viable. I'm thinking I could cut foam board for in between the studs and foam spray behind the studs where the gaps will be? Currently have bats stuffed in up in the top of the walls as well. I plan on finishing the whole thing (unfinished painted ceiling) so insulation has to happen before the drywall.As far as the tiling and driveway goes i'm trying to hold off on the driveway. It's got a ton of alligator cracks and is original (74) but still functional. Even if it was just DIY tearout and disposal it might be worth my time to save some money with a company.Tiling wise I've never tiled but our bathrooms need it. We have 2 full baths that have tubs and are half tile half carpet/laminate. I plan on doing a newer vanity in 1 as well as some newer fixtures, paint and maybe a shower door. Any reasources on how to do a bathroom remodel would be super appreciated.This house isn't a super mansion by any means but I have an eye for detail and the little things bug me (how the prior owners had it painted but not prepped right before sale inside so a ton of dust under the paint, the trim is messy, doors and hardware are old with shoddy paint) so I'm sure i'll be visitng here more frequently.regards,Zach via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2LtBGDd