There is a diagram on the label that says where the wires are supposed to go. When it's wired for 110, the brown and red wires go on 2. On 220, it's red and blue. The place of red in the order is different. I tried switching the red wire to the other terminal where brown was attached to 2 and putting the blue one where red was, but they didn't reach. Does it matter which one goes on which terminal?The wires in question, after rewiring 2 with red and blue wires is in the upper right. Sorry I didn't think to take a before picture.EDIT: Another question. I took the motor off of the saw since I'm stupid and didn't realize that I didn't need to do that. Trying to get the bolts back on. How do I know it's lined up properly? I don't want to turn it on and get killed because it wasn't properly lined up. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2tfwUSA