Just got 80+ mason jars on Free Craigslist. I already have cans of tomato sauce and a lot of canning guides seem to be solely focused on jams and pickles/solely American food. That's all good but I do love Mexican, Ethiopian, and Asian foods (I'm aware Asia is very large, and yes, I do mean the continent, except for maybe Russia), so... bonus if a suggestion helps me make those myself.
I have a food processor, a coffee grinder, an instantpot, and access to plenty of fresh produce/fresh herbs. I am considering getting a dehydrator to dehydrate stuff, which I could also store in these jars.
Looking for ideas for foods I can frugally make cannable meal-ready versions of, or prepped versions of that are nearly meal-ready (for example, I can buy super cheap daily-made dolma [stuffed grape leaves] from a local market- if I were to buy those and can them in oil, or make something similar.) Looking for as much variety as possible. I only have a little fridge space but plenty of shelf space so I am mostly looking for a, wet things that can be shelf-stable if I properly sanitize/seal them, b, dried/powderized (dryable/powderizeable) things I can put in the jars.
Things to keep in mind:
I'm allergic to mold and nuts. Also I have recently found out that brewer's/baker's yeast is a trigger for Crohns disease so to manage that, I have to cut out most usual bread/bread-type things and booze (very sad because I was making beer bread in my instantpot pretty regularly up until now), and, at least for now, cheese. Also... very sad.
I also bought a whole duck from an Chinese grocery store a couple days ago and rendered out probably 16 oz of fat and got a gallon of bone broth out of it, in case that could be useful for suggestions.
June 19, 2018 at 01:31AM