Currently only owe 10k on the 4runner, and would buy the crosstrek outright so I wouldnt have a car payment. I am going to be driving ~20k per year over the next 3 years.
I bought the 4runner for 34500 out the door, and would be getting $33300 on trade. The Crosstrek would be $26k out the door.
More info: No debt (other than a mortgage), 110k salary, car payment is $220 per month which is very affordable. However, soon I will be selling the condo (positive equity of 70k) and moving across the country with the wife. Unfortunately she may not be able to work, which is also prompting the desire to have zero debt other than a mortgage of approximately 1500 per month. Thanks!
Submitted April 27, 2018 at 07:04AM by Telllmewhatyouthink