So for most of 2017 I was "on loan" to another department in a required non-tech PM position. Previous (male) Project Manager was paid $75k eight years out of school. I am a woman who made $50k when I started "helping" 3 years out of school. Was in way over my head, but did all right given the circumstances. Got a promotion and a big raise out of it but begged them to hire someone because the boss and the work were quite literally hell and I threatened to quit (hence the promotion and raise). Ended 2017 making close to $59k.
They hired a guy with "20 years experience" that had nothing to do with our industry and paid him $92k. He was a nice person but absolutely sucked at the job. I trained him for three months but he absolutely floundered. The position got a new, nicer, more reasonable boss during the six months New Guy was there and job got way less stressful. New Guy nonetheless received a terrible review and voluntarily left last month.
Once again, I am "on loan" because I am the only person who knows the intricacies of the job. Only this time I am still doing the normal work in my actual department on top of helping out. The work this time around is much less miserable so I inquired about the job and rate of pay should I accept it. I was told if I took the position full time I would only be paid $65k because I lack the experience to make more than that. By "experience" they mean number of years of employment history. I am currently four years out of college and have only ever worked at this company.
So my current boat is, despite my being the only person at this company that can complete these essential functions, my company won't raise me to the same rate as the two guys that failed/left because they had more years of work experience than me. I know I am being taken advantage of, but I am using the company's student loan program to help me pay off my loans, so if I quit during the year I have to pay back the money the company has paid up until the month I quit. That would come to about $3000 as I am trying t burn thru them this year.
My ultimate question is, does PF feel that years of work experience trumps ability to do the job when it comes to pay rates? Any advice for negotiating with my company or are they correct in limiting my pay because of my fewer years work experience?
Submitted April 12, 2018 at 09:42AM by flaming_trout