My girlfriend grew up in a household where saving money was never the priority and where maxing out on credit reigned supreme over paying cash. I grew up in a super-frugal household, and I told her that I am worried about our financial future together.
She doesn't want this to be an issue between us, so she said she wants me to give her a one-hour "crash course" in being frugal, and then will implement what she learns at least for the next 90 days. I'm looking for:
- Fast tips
- Exercises she can do to help practice frugality
- Consumables relating to being frugal: apps, shows, books, podcasts
- Favorite budgeting tips
- Quotes about valuing money
- What can be accomplished by being frugal
- Your reason for being frugal
Etc., etc. - help me get the most out of this hour!
Edit: Formatting
February 10, 2018 at 11:10PM