I am a North African student in France (Paris). I have a few psychiatric conditions and really want to see a "good" to "very good" psychologist or psychiatrist or whatever other mental health specialist to heal myself. I have a few experiences with those people but given how many psychiatric conditions I have and given that I am a very introspective - and rather smart - person, I realized that what would work for me is to see someone that is very good two to three times a week. Otherwise, it's not very effective and essentially all I do is talk about me all the time without receiving any useful guidance or analysis of what I am saying.
I already have a very good health coverage through combining public and private insurances but none of it seriously covers mental health, especially psychologists (most of it is like 8 sessions a year which is ridiculous because I want 2 to 3 a week).
I don't think I will require such intense psychotherapy for too long. Probably not for more than one year. But I feel like a really need it right now as I am missing on so many opportunities because of my health status. I explored all local (national) options and they still are very weak on mental health coverage. I also have some trouble getting help through the public services.
So I found this international health insurance (from C I G N A ) that supposedly covers "mental health" but I don't see what that means exactly. Here's a screenshot from their brochure : http://ift.tt/2km4EfG
As always, these insurance policies are super tricky. All I care about is mental health since I am actually fully covered for the rest.
Does this section mean that, within each year i.e. consecutive twelve month period of coverage by this plan, I am covered for up to 90 outpatient psychotherapy sessions by a psychologist, for up to 7,400€ a year (total costs of all sessions independently of whether it reaches 90 sessions or not) or no maximum in the case of the platinum plan ?
Is it possible that the insurance company refuses to cover these sessions if they are provided by a state-licensed psychologist ? Does it mean that no matter how much each session costs it will be covered as long as it is under 7400€ a year ? Can I only subscribe to this insurance for two years a benefit for 2*90 sessions = 180 sessions during the first two years ? Can the insurance refuse to pay if the type of psychotherapy is CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy => evidence-based), that the condition at issue is one for which CBT was proven to be effective, and that the treatment was prescribed by a psychiatrist (i.e. medical practitioner) ? Do you think I can get this insurance for one or two months, see if they do cover these things properly, and then extend my coverage longer ? Can they refuse to extend my coverage longer ?
Can you imagine other cases where the insurance wouldn't pay for psychotherapy ?
Thank you in advance for your help. The darkest part of mental health is getting help. Because if it was lighter, there wouldn't be any dark part in mental health.
EDIT 1 : The plan has 0% coinsurance 0€ deductible, and 0€ out-of-pocket maximum.
Submitted December 04, 2017 at 08:16AM by loumap http://ift.tt/2BJnaD2