My Uncle-M, who had been living in Switzerland for the past 35 years, passed away and left us an inheritance. One of Uncle-S's (who lives in the USA) contacted me (we haven't spoken to him in a long time) and told me that the Swiss Government contacted him and informed him that Uncle-M left us and him in his will.
He said he had contacted a lawyer for us and him. Furthermore, a Swiss lawyer has been hired to assist my mother and him in filing a case with the Swiss Government to verify the claim to the inheritance. He said that the Swiss government would contact its embassy in our country after the case had been resolved, who would then contact us for verification. After that, the money would be transferred to us. Problem here is that I do not believe him.
Unfortunately, I am not sure how to verify all this. I tried searching on Google to find any Government organization in Switzerland who can at least verify the process but was unable to do so.
Any advice related to the issue will be helpful. If there is anyone from Switzerland who knows the process of how to verify this, kindly do share.
Thank you.
Submitted May 20, 2022 at 12:16AM by trumanshuw