Hello! I'm losing my health insurance this month and have the option to get insurance through healthcare.gov. A plan that would be actually worth the money I put into it would be $310 roughly a month. My expendable income NOT including food (which is about $35 for week for me, I don't eat a lot) is $500.
I'm trying to pay off debt as quickly as possible before student loans murder me in May 2018 which will be about $500 at least a month. All of my income tax which I estimate to be about $800 is going to be used to pay off debt. I currently make $2200 a month and I'm 10k in debt not counting student loans and I'm tired of living paycheck to paycheck so I'm fighting my way out. I'm also going to throw $20 at a savings per month just to get SOMETHING established.
Would it be a good idea to tough out not having health insurance? I'm on birth control and and wellburtin but other than that, I'm repetitively healthy and I'm 32 as of December. No kids and not planning to have any ever.
Submitted November 11, 2017 at 10:03AM by KittysarusWrecks http://ift.tt/2ytYnAN