I am 32 years old and married with a net worth (literally every penny) of approximately $500k and a household income of around $180k per year. Including both our personal savings and our employer match, my wife and I save approximately $80k per year in both retirement and non-retirement savings. We have no debt other than our small mortgage (around $700 per month) and I feel like we've done a really good job in setting ourselves up for the future.
However, I'm having a horrible case of the Jones's at the moment. All of my friends have been spending so freely lately. They buy houses, cars, go on lavish vacations, and in general spend money like there's no tomorrow! I have no idea where they're getting the money from or how they are able to cope with such high risk profiles.
So I came to this forum to seek perspective from some of you who have been through this before and have ended up well off in the end. How did you keep your heads high through the doldrums of your super savings goals? How did you cope with the fear of the markets tanking/losing all your money/keeping a long term strategy? How did you convince yourselves to stay out of the "If I die tomorrow I'll regret not spending all of my money" mentality?
Submitted October 19, 2017 at 11:42AM by MMan1232 http://ift.tt/2gviU41