I have ADHD. I also tend to go ooo shiny and buy things because we NEED them. Afterwards, I regret it or we get very little use out of it. However, at the time I feel like it's such a good buy, that we will use it so much. I don't tend to buy candy, or CDs, or junk. It's always stuff for my kids, groceries for the house, nifty little things- eraser boards, cooking stuff, etc. I don't want to be like this my whole life. I want to take charge and change my habits but every time I look at our finances all I want to do is cry or I get so overwhelmed I don't even start. Any great ideas or tips for how others have handled this would be great. thank you so much.
Submitted August 28, 2017 at 11:06PM by Roxchic http://ift.tt/2vzol4u