So, my summer project is building a fort for my two kiddos. I've already started this after doing a lot of research but need some more advice.The platform is 10'x12'. The actual house is going to be 10'x8' with a 4' porch/deck. 4 windows and a door. A flat/slanted type roof.I'm going to use 2x10 SYP Grade 1 joists 16" OC with joist hangers.The SYP Grade 1 beams 2x12, doubled up, into notched 6x6 posts. The doubled up 2x12's will then be bolted into the notched posts using 2 galvanized 1" bolts. The 12' beams have 1.5' of cantilever on each side, making the span about 8'.The bottom of the beam's will be about 9.5' high off the ground. The posts & beams are all pressure treated/ground contact. The 4 posts are in 3.5' of concrete.How does that sound so far?Here is where I made things even more complicated...instead of leaving all the empty space below the platform we decided to add a 10x8' "basement" level to the fort. This level would have 4 walls, 2x10 joists 16 OC just like the upper level. I think my screw-up is the "beams" for this lower level - I took a notch out of the 6x6 posts about 2' off the ground in order to rest and bolt the 2x12 beams. So now the 6x6 are effectivly a 6"x4.5" for a small section. In retrospect - I wish I could undo that step.I have the 4 posts in concrete already and don't won't to take them up.Suggestions?Are the posts, as they are, good enough considering the 2 levels of joists and joist hangers and beams?Should I add a post to each of the beam sides for added lateral support?Thanks for the advice. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2vxXRnC