pics: http://ift.tt/2AaDoYw've been working on getting a shower drain opened to clean it out but I can't get it open. There's two different problems. The first one is that I just can't get the screws untightened. I'm not much of a handyman but if I had to guess, the screws rusted up inside or something.The second problem is that the 2nd screw is right underneath the wall, which is only maybe half an inch or so off the ground. I can fit a dime in there to twist it, but it has the same problem of being stuck.Again, I figure it's rusted shut because it's mopped in there pretty much every day. I don't even know that last time that drain would've been opened up, several years ago at least I'd say. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2AZdtTC