My elderly mom & pops have had extremely light-use flip phones (I think maybe go phone, they used like 100 min/year) for forever. Now my dad is sick and my mom finds herself using her cell phone a lot, the way a normal person does, so she needs an actual plan as she is burning through her minutes fast.
She also needs a very basic smartphone as she just doesn't understand how to use the flip phone (she still dials each number from memory!) and I think a smartphone will be much easier for her to use.
My partner and I each have adequate plans -- my partner's is Verizon straight talk, mine is tmobile, and we each have OK data and pay about $45/mo. I thought I'd take this opportunity to get us all on a family plan with the idea it would be cheaper? But after a few days of investigating I'm just confused.
Here's what we need:
I'm looking for the best deal obv, but willing to compromise on price for ease of use & coverage. NOT looking for anything complicated involving google fi/multiple sim cards/use your dog as a free personal cell tower kind of jobbies, not that there's anything wrong with that :)
low to moderate data for me & my partner; my mom will use little to none
good coverage -- we are all in urban areas but i have no experience with lower cost carriers like cricket etc; have put up with plenty of terrible coverage from major carriers and not really willing to go even worse. BUT maybe they are just fine???
Is what i'm paying now pretty much what i should expect to pay for what i'm looking for? in that case, should i be looking for a lower cost plan for my mom only?
What about a phone for her? My partner is constantly buying refurbished phones from ebay that turn out to suck lol. For my mom it just has to be simple, easy to use, reliable.
thank you!!!!!
April 05, 2017 at 03:16PM