Should I rent in a place I will never be able to afford to buy a house or buy a home in a place I never wanted to live because it's the only place I can afford?
I want to move back to the PNW, it is home, but buying a home there is something I cannot afford to do right now (or maybe ever) unless I pay cash, and finding a home for 100K up there is nearly impossible unless its a former crack den in Klamath Falls, or a mobile home that has 600-900/month lot rent
I have roughly 70k to buy a house or rent. Though not a significant amount of cash when it comes to buying a home, it could buy me something in the Midwest. I'm in a place of my life right now where how I spend my money and time at this very moment will probably determine many years to come. I have no family to cosign a mortgage with me on a place in the Pacific Northwest. I just want to go back. I want to be there. Time in the Midwest would would become wasted years in every sense but the financial. (the Midwest is a fine place, but for personal reasons, I very much do not want to go back).
If I rent, I could potentially go bankrupt in a few years, if my starter business doesn't work out. I'm lost. It's depressing, and I've wasted months antagonizing over this while living a pseudo in-between life.
I'm currently without any place to call home and technically unemployed. Where every dime goes counts.
February 14, 2021 at 12:42AM