It's a simple mistake. Say my middle name were Jeffrey, if it were misspelled the same way then it would read "Jefrrey."
It's never caused any problems. In fact I just opened a new bank account with it two weeks ago, which is when/how I noticed.
I've taken out auto loans, opened credit cards, filed my taxes, all the normal American adult stuff and never had a problem. I even went through the initial process of enlisting in the military with it, but I was medically disqualified at MEPS.
I only ask because I'm going to be going for a home loan in the next few months and my current work schedule starts before the local SSA opens, and ends after they close. At this point in the home buying process I've used almost all of my personal days for home inspections, contractor meetings, etc. When I'm off O.T. in a few months I'll be able to get it taken care of, but taking more time off may put my job at risk.
Submitted February 11, 2017 at 12:22PM by Austrunano