After leaving It Works!, my wife is convinced that Lularoe is the way to go. Granted, she pretty much broke even with It Works!, she did eventually see it for what it is. A pyramid...I MLM company and I am trying to explain that Lularoe is the same thing. It is $5-6K to start. That is a substantial amount of cash. It Works! was $99, which we could afford to lose.
I don't want to discourage her and I want to be supportive, but she is set in her ways and everything that I say or bring up will eventually lead to an argument because I don't see what she is trying to do and I am not being supportive.
I don't understand. My wife is an very educated woman and holds a very nice job. I don't understand how she doesn't see that this is not a good idea.
I posted this as a comment in Life Pro Tips, but I thought I may get some informative responses here, too.
Any advice on what I can do, because I am out of ideas and breath.
Thank you in advance for all help, advice and suggestions.
Submitted February 11, 2017 at 10:31AM by a_concerned_SO