I was to go on a little trip this weekend, a pond hockey game at a college friend's. Fair amount of people to attend, a handful I know fairly well but aren't exactly close friends, and a couple close friends that I see enough anyway. But the weather is looking too warm, so I cancelled as it will likely just be a drunkfest and I'd much rather have all that free time to myself this weekend. It was a 2 hour drive, overnight on Saturday type of gig.
I feel I've turned a significant corner with prioritizing myself and my interests the last 6 months. The more I said no to practically everything led to opening up so much time to explore new things and really getting myself grounded after a breakup and career change one year ago.
The more I've listened to my gut, invested in my introverted tendencies, has made me so much happier. Happier with less. I felt pulled in so many directions, like I had to be a part of this group and that, and I just quit all of it. And guess what? I still keep up with people, still do plenty of fun things, but they are at my direction more often than not, which works better for me.
I believe my gut will tell me when it's the right time to catch up with friends and be involved in groups. But forcing the issue is a waste of time and not the best use of my personal energy.
I feel this is a stage I'm going through at age 27, a stage where you realize you're the only person you've got. But rather than be scared, or fearful of losing touch with people, going alone, etc, I feel empowered to make decisions purely with my wants and my gut.
I'm only going to be the person I want to be if I do the things I truly, deep down, want to do.
Submitted January 18, 2017 at 10:12AM by johnjaundiceASDF http://ift.tt/2iR5Hkz