just got my bill for my gas it's about 100 even...and my water& power is roughly 400 sometimes higher...i don't know whats going on here? comes to be about 500 and sometimes as high as 600...
i have a home in LA and 4 people not including me in the home (5 people total) only one big screen TV in the house, it's winter but we put on the heater only at night (our heater is a bit wanky tho, some of the ducts aren't attached properly and some of the heat is escaping into the space between the ceiling and roof), we never use the AC; we have a decent size front yard with roughly 13 sprinklers? but we have it set to every 3 days and currently it's winter and we have it turned off since it's been raining often...and usually turn it off when it rains in general. Backyard i've turned into a patio/grill spot so i removed the grass and everything and laid concrete there...
i mean i don't know whats up...i see more people with like $20 gas bills on average, and maybe 50-60 for winter with heater blasting ALL DAY...and the water and power...400-500 seems crazy i don't know whats going on or how this is possible....
my home is about 1600 sq ft (just the live in space, not including front yard/backyard or w.e)
any tips...ideas or anything to help me figure out whats going on here? this seems a bit much...i feel like we're getting charged for nothing...house is always cold when i come from work (like 50 F. indoors...and i'm from LA this is like ice cold to me... so i have to put on the heater...but sometimes i'm like fck it..i just grab like everything and don't turn it on and tell everyone to wear more clothe because bills are getting absurd...)
January 20, 2017 at 08:27PM