As the title reads, I'll be graduating this year from university in the UK, likely with a 2.1 degree, at worst a 2.2, and have never worked a day in my life. The area my degree covers never interested me as a future career, and I never needed a job through university, as money I made from apps paid the rent and bills for the past 2 years, having gather over a million downloads at this stage. As such, I feel I have some ability at:
- Making money through alternative means,
- Teaching myself to become somewhat proficient in a new field,
So though I will likely get a basic job straight out of university, I can see myself as having the potential to teach myself to earn money through other means, and eventually have this as a main source of income, such as buying and selling goods on Amazon, or going into consulting.
Hence, what work would you recommend to me as an option for a self-taught, self-generated source of income?
Submitted January 17, 2017 at 09:01AM by HeirOfTheSurvivor