Perhaps this has been discussed but I thought I'd let you know what recently happened to our family.
Our daughter (mid teens) wanted a checking account of her own with a debit card. We used the same bank that she has had a savings account open with since infancy.
A couple days after applying we were told that she had charge off in the amount of approx $500 from 2 years earlier.
Well clearly she didn't charge that as there's no way she could have as she was basically a child. Anyway, we had actually heard of this fraud intrusion 2 yrs ago (I'm pretty sue it was the same data breach) because my husband's info was expose as a federal employee, as was his dependents.
We did put a freeze on the kids credit at the time and filled out a shit ton of pw but still, 4 yrs later my daughter can't get a checking account.
I am now in touch with Chex Sys, trying to prove I am the mother of a minor who has no ID of her own and it fucking sucks.
If your kids are under 18, freeze their credit, they wont miss it and you might just save yourself from having to deal with this
Submitted December 10, 2020 at 09:28PM by tipping