My father passed in November and left me, my brother, and my daughter his estate split three ways. Long story short I was in a situation I had to escape and I moved several states away, got myself an apartment, furniture, and fed myself and my kid for the last six months.
The money is almost out. I did hold on to a big chunk of it as a “just in case” sort of deal and now I want to buy a home and pay off the rest of my car. Family is letting me buy at a pretty hefty discount but I’m still about 10k short.
My question is this: should I go through the process of getting guardianship of my child’s estate, borrowing/using her money, and putting it in a trust fund for her to gain interest for 14 years (she’s only 4) so I can start our life off right? Or should I not touch it at all and leave it for her but let go of this opportunity to own a home she and I can finally have a place to call our own for the first time in our lives?
I can answer any questions, I feel like this post is too short to really get all necessary info out there😅 My heads a little scrambled.
Submitted June 08, 2020 at 08:40PM by LorasDean93