I get called cheap a lot. I buy store brand or bulk, cook my own food almost from scratch, rarely go out to eat, keep the heat/AC off, went to community college, have a car that is ugly and over 20 years old, $1K rent of okay place by myself, and look at the prices first when ordering food.
I have been doing these things for as long as I can remember. All this has come out to me having $10K in the bank, $44k in former college fund started when I was little, $12k in other investments, $0 debt of any kind. My only vice which could be considered is Magic The Gathering but that's only $100 at set release (about every 3 months) and $15/week for drafts with some purchases for singles.
I like the idea of a safety net should things fall apart and hate the culture of "get money, spend that money immediately on frivolously luxuries".
Am I being overly frugal?
Submitted April 25, 2019 at 03:33PM by funbuddle http://bit.ly/2J3Tk2f