My renter allegedly had to go to the hospital for a medical emergency and was late on paying rent. They did eventually pay rent about 18 days after it was due and also paid about $200 in late fee's. I wasn't able to confirm if there was in-fact a medical emergency but regardless my gut says to send them a check "refunding" the $200. I don't need the $200 and I am personally not struggling to make ends meet, so I wouldn't miss the money.
I do have a property manager as recommend by this sub.
What is normal procedure?
I feel like this is a one-time offer kind of thing because I don't want to be taken advantage of in the future.
edit 19 days to 18 days
They have only lived in the house for 2 months, this being the second.
Submitted July 18, 2018 at 10:01AM by emptyBankRolls