She’s 70, gets about $951 in SS survivor benefits, and is about to be evicted from the RV park where she lives (RV is good for scrap only, doesn’t run and interior is destroyed), probably because of issues with all her feral cats. Don’t know for sure.
I can’t have her live with me. I will end up in a mental hospital before that happens. Shitty childhood, but not quite shitty enough that I’d be fine if she ends up on the street. I can contribute some amount monthly, but I don’t have the thousands of dollars per month that retirement homes seem to cost.
What resources are out there for senior citizens in this situation? I tried to talk her into applying for low income housing before and she said she couldn’t stand to share a wall with someone. I guess she might not have any choice now, but how hard is it to get the process started/how long will it take? I assume she will be served a 30 day eviction soon.
I have two siblings, but everyone is playing the “not it” game, and 75% chance this lands on me.
(To clear up any “just suck it up and let her live with you” sentiment, my parents liked to let all sorts of random men stay in our house when I was a little girl and they were both drugged out. I’ll let you do the math on that one.)
EDIT: I post a lot on these subs (pf and la), this is obviously a throwaway account. I am pretty blown away by the support and responses I’ve received, both with good suggestions, people going through the same thing, and others who just wanted to give me a virtual pat on the shoulder. It means a lot. You never know what you’re going to get when you open your problems up to the internet, and I guess I expected the worst, probably because the situation makes me feel so shitty.
TLDR: Got kids? Please save for your own retirement so they don’t end up in this situation.
Submitted July 10, 2018 at 04:45PM by Watchingshameless