I just got called into a meeting room an hour ago and was told that "based on my performance and the company needs we will be ending your employment". I'm a bit worried about the now but it's my future that I'm really worried about.
A bit of a background. I'm 31 years old, 5 years ago I moved to the USA and got my MBA, and before that I got an Accounting degree from my home country and worked there. Due to my lack of US based experience it took me a while to land this job, and it that time i worked the odd job and in my family business. Not the kind of experience that makes a resume stand out. The job i just lost was supposed to be my gateway to better things. I was finally building my resume and learning a lot. Now I cant imagine someone hiring me with a termination on my resume, and even if I hide that I'm back to point zero where I have no relevant work experience.
Financially ive done a good job of building my emergency fund (thanks PF) and i can float for a period of 3 to 6 months depending on the circumstances. My expenses are about a $1,000 + whatever i spend on food (live with a roommate, $200 car payment, insurance). I had previously signed a 1 year lease for a 1 bedroom apartment but i talked to the company and they they gave me 3 days to decide if I wanna backout. i'll lose $300 in the process. I'm leaning towards backing up.
I looked into unemployment but i'm not sure im eligible. Based on the numbers i got I dont think its worth it (made 40k, I live in Texas). Right now i'm still high on adrenaline but I'm sure the depression will hit me hard. So apart from any survival tips, what can I do about my my resume? That job is the only good experience I have but a termination could be worse...
Submitted September 26, 2017 at 11:14AM by imnotsospecial http://ift.tt/2wi5Cul