Here is a link to a comprehensive spreadsheet showing the total family debt, including a breakout of mine vs. my wife's.
We have a baby due in about a month, rent our apartment, and have the follow bills:
- Unsecured debt min. payments: $3725
- Cars & Insurance: $1608.65 (insurance includes apartment, engagement ring, and car)
- Apartment+ Utilities: $1717.86
- Student Loans: Deferral
- Incidentals (cell, internet, spotify): $206
Total: $7,258.96
Car loans:
- Car 1: $30,881.50 @ $581/ month 7.95% interest
- Car 2: $41,529 @ $752 / month 9.99% interest
Net income: $7,319.38
Please help! Is bankruptcy the only option? I'm happy to answer all questions. Also, yes I know I've fucked up. Just trying to fix this issue instead of ignoring it.
Submitted May 11, 2018 at 11:05AM by throwthisawayBK