If you ever rent a truck with Penske, be aware of a rip off that bit me.
If you buy their insurance (which you probably shouldn't), rent a hand truck from them, etc., they will charge you an extra day for every one of those items even if you turn the truck in by night drop after hours.
In my case, I had 3 insurance riders (unusual situation, long story) and a hand truck. I used the truck one day, and turned it in by key drop that same evening.
Because my turn in was after 5 pm, they charged me an entire additional day for the truck, the hand truck, and each insurance rider. This was a surprise $85+ increase to my bill.
When I checked the truck out, the manager happily pointed out the after hours gate code and key drop. He didn't mention they'd charge me a whole additional day.
Nothing I can do. The contract was written this way. But it's still a crappy, greedy, nickle-and-dimey policy. Hopefully this helps others avoid being bitten by it.
May 30, 2017 at 10:55AM