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I need some advice on how best to proceed.

Some background... In my current position I make ~90k which is near the 85% mark range wise for the area and type of work. A little over a year ago I was making ~55k and for several reasons, none of which were tied with my job satisfaction (I love my Job and Company most days), I interviewed for another local company and they offered 88k. This blew my mind. To make a longish story short I stumbled into a match by my current employer without any stink of the 'marked man' issues that can occur by accepting a counter-offer. Other possibly relevant details. I've been with this company for 5 1/2 years and the things I've worked on have moved from 'we manage' territory to 'this is something we're better than almost everyone at' (ie I'm confident that I have a secure place and that I'm well liked by management/organization). Fast forward to today...

I've kept in touch with a couple recruiters (you never know when things might change) with the idea that if the perfect opportunity were to come about I could at least consider it. This seems to have happened. I got an offer for 156k (negotiated up from 135k) for a 1-year contract-to-hire (apparently this is how this particular company does all/most hires). This happened after 2 phone interviews that went very well and there didn't seem to be any red flags (quite the opposite). The position is 70% things I know well and the rest things I want to do, ie perfect match to what I would be interested in. It will involve a move but it's to an area I like and other than cost of living (housing) being quite a bit higher (current area 185k buys you a 3000sq/f house and 1/4 acre land, new area something similar would run 600k and prob not have large yard).

Overall it seems that cost-of-living is ~30% more making an equivalent salary in my current area ~120k which come out to being around a 30% bump from where I'm at now. Not factoring in cost-of-living its ~70% bump.

The only reservation I have job-wise is the at my current company we're a fair way down the 'we're doing it right' path and the new position this seems less so but with the clear desire to get there. This is fairly similar to how things were 5ish years ago where I'm at now.

Things I could use some advice about... 1. What is a good 'lead' time for moving family, selling house, finding new place (probably renting for first year while we figure out where we'd like to buy)? I tentatively said 1 month but I worry that that's not enough time. 2. Is an offer after 2x 30min phone interviews in one day weird? It is a large very very established company. 3. Should I give my current employer an option to counter offer before I accept? I know the general advice is GTFO and move on however I really do love my job. Maybe a more apt question would be... how should I go about leaving the option open? Should I lead with the equivalent salary, the 'full' offer or both? Or is 'double dipping' just going to be a bad plan? 4. I'm sure one of you beautify bastards will come up with something I ought to consider....

Thanks in advance, Fred (not real name)

P.S. Just realized that given over the last 1y 3m my salary will have tripled. Wowsers!

Submitted February 11, 2017 at 05:58AM by randomme404 http://ift.tt/2kgzMat

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