I am a 37yo with many more questions than answers now in my life. My wife & I just separated. After we sold our home, I took my half and moved, from the east to the west coast, along with my two kids to live with my mother (in a one bedroom thats quite uncomfortable). During my marriage, my wife was making most of the money due to a better job she had, so I was more stay-at-home dad to babysit our kids while also working part-time gigs. Before that time, I've never had much a career other than selling auto parts & doing warehouse work. It was okay money for just me, but now with having my kids and needing our own place to live, etc. I'm in need of a career that can atleast get me close to 6 figures, if not more. Financially, at the moment, Its not too good but it definitely could be a lot worse. I currently have 10K in an old 401K account, plus roughly the 40K from our home sale that I made out with I have sitting in my bank account. I don't have much debt at all except some CC debt that isn't too high. So I welcome all advice here. I'm sure you all know, the Internet is flooded with sites stating what I should do with that money. Being able to flip that money into more income is definitely a top priority. The good news in this situation is I don't have to worry about homelessness because I have parents & other family that are willing to let me stay with them if need be, but ofcourse this is not a permanent solution for me, I'm simply saying my kids & I have a safety net in place in case of any hardship. It may be uncomfortable for us, but there is no rush or set time-limit to get our own place here. So with that being said, deciding which career-path to take & begin quickly is step #1, but unfortunately I have nothing in mind that I want to do (atleast within the time-frame I have). At this time I'm pretty much open to learning & getting trained in any field and I'd be willing to pay for any supplies I need or classes i'd have to take. I may not have much experience but I am a quick-learner. I rather avoid anything with hard labor as I'm not really a big strong individual, and nothing that will keep me away for long periods of time, ofcourse. I just want to be able to make enough for me and my kids to live comfortably. Hopefully what I have now can be a jumpstart for bigger wealth. Any advice as to what anyone would do in my shoes will be greatly appreciated.
Update #1- Excuse me for not being exact with CC debt. I currently only have less than 3K debt in credit cards, so it's nothing major at all.
Submitted November 25, 2023 at 09:53PM by ItsYaBoiFlex https://ift.tt/T8fNIiA