Beginner looking for advice. Recently finished a PhD, working at a Biotech startup. Salary is 120K + 15% bonus + stock options. No 401k or HSA or IRA. 17K of savings in an HYSA for emergency fund. I live with my partner who owns and pays the mortgage and utilities, and I pay for the groceries, dining out occasionally, and car insurance/maintenance.
Only debt is 88K in federal student loans at an average of about 6% interest.
Currently about 5-6K available per month after taxes to put towards student loans and investments. I’d like to someday own property but right now my priority is to pay off the student loan debt while investing long-term with low risk.
Where should I begin saving and investing?
What percent of income should I allocate towards student loans and to investments?
Submitted June 27, 2023 at 09:49PM by kdpindbuau