My spouse and I are recovering from terrible spending habits and trying to pay off debt. This past week I made an inventory of all of our food and was able to plan all meals with items we had on hand except for 3 things. The big win was a chicken and rice bake. Chicken breast, 1 cup of rice, 1.5 cups water, 1 can cream of mushroom soup, and onion mix packet. Bake for 1 hour 15 minutes. Tasty, easy, and cheap. I had miscellaneous pieces of frozen chicken in the freezer so I just used what I found.
We ate dinner leftovers for lunch and shared a box of cereal for breakfasts.
We’re coming from going out to eat several times a week, throwing away groceries that went bad and more. I’m just really proud of the success and wanted to share.
April 25, 2023 at 11:54PM