If a bank offered high yields, SKEPTICAL. If a company in a stock exchange offered high yields, SKEPTICAL. If a start up offered high yields, SKEPTICAL. And if your mom offered high yields, SKEPTICAL and there’s a 99% chance you wouldn’t even conduct your own research because someone offers you 100% a week… especially when u have money to spare and throw away. Why such skepticism over high yield investments when there risk is equivalent to low yields investment you just make more.
Example : A investment company has offered highier yields to attract more customers. But the reverse affect happens and investors run away.
Why if you always invest 100$ in something that offers high yields and get it your high yield your happy
If you got a lower yield your less happy but technically that would be “what your looking for as yields sometimes vary and you’ll have to be accepting
You invest in low yields you think it’s safer because it’s a low yield. Really the yield will still vary and you lose less + your risk would still be the same your just gaining less to the idea it’s easier for your investment to pay you
When really your most likely gettting shit on either way as the thing your investing in will always make a highier yield then you. So why think lower yields are safer the high yields when it would be the exact same risk structure regardless
You always choose the risk so why does your reward change ur skepticism of an investment
(Try to imagine 2 banks offering yields 1 high 1 low now imagine your SURPRISE when the low yield investment attracts more customers because the high yield bank is offering a high yield) if some how the high yield bank is a “scam” and pays you less yield that would be your expectancy of the low yield bank… and either way you can lose your investment on both… low or high… + Low yield = safer but really there just making more money off you and giving away less…
Submitted August 02, 2022 at 12:45AM by Abxrg https://ift.tt/nMAmaSi