My dad got a bad case of COVID pneumonia and has been in critical condition for a week now. I've been unable to talk to him or contact him, but we do get an update from the doctor daily or every other day on his condition. He has been fluctuating and will get a bit better, but lately appears to be losing the battle.
I'm beyond devastated at the moment and my mom has been freaking out about the bills to pay. Unfortunately, my dad was the main one who took care of all of that. We don't know what all the bills are that need to be paid or how they are going to be paid. I can afford to pay my share, but how do I even figure out what all the expenses are for the household? My mom doesn't know anything about our home finances. I only ever paid my dad my portion of rent and utilities. I have zero idea what needs to be paid so that we don't get screwed by missing a payment on anything.
Are there resources for situations like this? I imagine my father will be in the hospital for a while from now and that's even if he's able to muster up the strength to keep fighting. My life has drastically turned upside down within the past week and I don't know what to do.
Submitted December 15, 2021 at 11:33PM by lolwhatamidoing92